Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ESX or Linux update Automation for windows users: su root and password

Today, I improved an old post. (I recommend you to read it before this post)
These scripts work correctly but for security reasons I could not use this work. Indeed, we must log before with an user then su in root. Moreover, with these previous scripts, that was not possible to transfert any other files like binaries files. So I decided to work on this problem to avoid to manually update 150 esx.
Sure, some trick exist like "expect" (not included in esx) or cpan perl expect, but it was simpliest to me to improve my scripts.

To use my scripts, just create a file yourfile.zip containing a script yourfile.sh and all needed files
process of these scripts:
script use a computer listing file (here servers.txt file) including all your computers you need to update
Script upload on your esx or linux computers yourfile.zip to /tmp directory, then decompress yourfile.zip and run yourfile.sh file

In update_esx_v2.zip, I give you a script example which permit you to update ESX with 2 patchs
[EDIT 15 february 2012] I re-upload zip file and add some informations in this post

In update.zip, file update.sh script contains all commands to do update
# Update
cd ESX350-201012404-BG/
esxupdate --nosig update
cd ..
cd ESX350-201012410-BG/
esxupdate --nosig update
cd ..
In update.zip, there is also all necessary files used by update.sh


Now, you can run "run_update.cmd" which run your updates with user esxadmin
(only if this user can do all that you want - if user to connect your esx is not esxadmin change line with set usern=esxadmin)
@echo off
set usern=esxadmin
set zipfile=update.zip
set computerfile=servers.txt

if "%1"=="" goto :nopass
set password=%1

cscript //nologo update_esx.vbs %computerfile% %zipfile% %usern% %password%
goto :eof

echo you need a password for user %usern%
goto :eof

To run your update with user esxadmin then su root
@echo off
set usern=esxadmin
set userroot=root
set zipfile=update.zip
set computerfile=servers.txt

if "%1"=="" goto :nopass
if "%2"=="" goto :nopass2
set password=%1
set pwdroot=%2

cscript //nologo update_esx.vbs %computerfile% %zipfile% %usern% %password% %userroot% %pwdroot%
goto :eof

echo you need a password for user %usern%
goto :eof

echo you need a password for user %userroot% 
goto :eof

all computers to update are in file servers.txt below

Main script update_esx.vbs that permit to transfert and decompress "yourfile.zip" and execute "yourfile.sh" on your linux or esx
' update_esx.vbs
' v1.00 2007 Nov - Initial release
' v1.01 2008 Jan - Display Standard output
' v2.00 2011 Nov - Modify script to use and send ZIP file
Option Explicit

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

' Detect WScript or CScript
If InStr(LCase(WScript.FullName), "wscript")>0 Then  ' ex: FullName = C:\WINNT\system32\wscript.exe 
 WScript.Echo "This script must be run under CScript."
End If

' Get Command Line Args
Dim Args
Set Args = Wscript.Arguments
If Args.Count < 4 Then
 Wscript.Echo "Syntax : " & WScript.ScriptName & " input_computer_list_file zip_file_to_send_uncompress_and_execute user password"
 Wscript.Echo "Syntax : " & WScript.ScriptName & " input_computer_list_file zip_file_to_send_uncompress_and_execute user password [root] [root password]"
 Wscript.Echo "         Example : cscript " & WScript.ScriptName & " servers.txt myfile.zip user password"
 Wscript.Echo "         Example : cscript " & WScript.ScriptName & " servers.txt myfile.zip user password root rootpass"
 Wscript.Echo ""
 Wscript.Echo "computer_list_file: line begin by # or ; indicate start of a comment, everything after is ignored"
 Wscript.Echo ""
End If

' Args(0) = computer list
Dim strInputList
strInputList = Trim(args(0))

' Args(1) = zip file to send and execute
Dim strScriptToExecute, strCompressFile, strDirectory, strCompressFileExt
strCompressFile = Trim(args(1))
strCompressFileExt = Right(strCompressFile, Len(strCompressFile)-InStr(1, strCompressFile, ".") )
If (StrComp(strCompressFileExt, "zip", vbTextCompare) <> 0) Then
 WScript.Echo "File to send: '" & strCompressFile & "'is not a .zip file"
End If
strDirectory = Left(strCompressFile, InStr(1, strCompressFile, ".")-1)
strScriptToExecute = strDirectory & ".sh"

' Args(2) = user
Dim strUser
strUser = Trim(args(2))

' Args(3) = password
Dim strPassword
strPassword = Trim(args(3))

' Args(4) = root name
' Args(5) = root password
Dim strRootPassword, strRootName
If Args.Count > 5 Then
 strRootName = Trim(args(4))
 strRootPassword = Trim(args(5))
End If

' Get Path
Dim strScriptFullName, strScriptPath
strScriptFullName = WScript.ScriptFullName ' ex: C:\Program Files\MyFolder\MyProg.exe
strScriptPath = Left(strScriptFullName, InStrRev(strScriptFullName, "\") - 1) ' ex: C:\Program Files\MyFolder

Dim objFso
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Test If all Files Exist
If Not isFileExist(strInputList) Then
 strInputList = strScriptPath & "\" & strInputList
 If Not isFileExist(strInputList) Then
  WScript.Echo "Computer list:" & strInputList & " File Not Exist !"
 End If   
End If   
WScript.Echo "Computer list:" & strInputList & " File Exist"

If Not isFileExist(strCompressFile) Then
 strCompressFile = strScriptPath & "\" & strCompressFile
 If Not isFileExist(strCompressFile) Then
  WScript.Echo "Compress file:" & strCompressFile & """" & " File Not Exist !"
 End If   
End If   
WScript.Echo "Script to uncompress:" & strCompressFile & " File Exist"

Dim strPlink
strPlink= strScriptPath & "\" & "plink.exe"
If Not isFileExist(strPlink) Then
 WScript.Echo "PuTTY Link:" & strPlink & " File Not Exist !"
End If     
WScript.Echo "PuTTY Link:" & strPlink & " File Exist"

Dim strPscp
strPscp= strScriptPath & "\" & "pscp.exe"
If Not isFileExist(strPscp) Then
 WScript.Echo "PuTTY Secure Copy client:" & strPscp & " File Not Exist !"
End If     
WScript.Echo "PuTTY Secure Copy client:" & strPscp & " File Exist"

Dim objShell, ComSpec
Set objShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

' Read computer list file into dictionary
Dim objDictionary, return
return = ReadFileToDict(strInputList, objDictionary)
If return = 0 Then
 WScript.Echo "Error during computer list file read"
End If

' Generate .sh file to execute
Dim strContent, strScriptToDecFile
strScriptToDecFile = "decfile.sh"
strContent = "#!/bin/sh" & vbLf & _
 "# Unzip " & strCompressFile & " then enter in " & strDirectory & " directory and execute " & strScriptToExecute & " file" & vbLf & _
 "cd /tmp" & vbLf & _
 "unzip -o " & strCompressFile & vbLf
return = WriteStrToFile(strScriptToDecFile, strContent)

' Display file
Dim objItem, strServer, objCmd, strCmdline, continue, strGenerateKey
For Each objItem in objDictionary
 strServer = objDictionary.Item(objItem)
 Wscript.Echo ""
 WScript.Echo "Server:" & strServer
 ' Test Connection
 strCmdline = ComSpec & " /c """ & strPlink & """ -batch -C -pw " & strPassword & " " & strUser & "@" & strServer & " pwd "
 strGenerateKey = ComSpec & " /c echo y | """ & strPlink & """ " & strServer & " -pw " & strPassword & " " & strUser

 WScript.Echo "Test Connection on server " & strServer
 return = DoConnection(strCmdline, strGenerateKey, strServer, True)

 If (return > 0) Then
   WScript.Echo "Re-verify Connection on server " & strServer
   return = DoConnection(strCmdline, strGenerateKey, strServer, True)
  Loop While (return > 0 and return < 255)
  If (return > 0) Then
   WScript.Echo "Transfer " & strScriptToDecFile & " script on server " & strServer
   strCmdline = ComSpec & " /c """ & strPscp & """ -batch -C -pw " & strPassword & " " & strScriptToDecFile & " " & strUser & "@" & strServer & ":/tmp"
   return = DoConnection(strCmdline, strGenerateKey, strServer, True)

   WScript.Echo "Transfer " & strCompressFile & " script on server " & strServer
   strCmdline = ComSpec & " /c """ & strPscp & """ -batch -C -pw " & strPassword & " " & strCompressFile & " " & strUser & "@" & strServer & ":/tmp"
   return = DoConnection(strCmdline, strGenerateKey, strServer, True)

   WScript.Echo "Execute " & strScriptToDecFile & " script on server " & strServer
   strCmdline = ComSpec & " /c """ & strPlink & """ -batch -C -pw " & strPassword & " " & strUser & "@" & strServer & " " & "cd /tmp; sh " & strScriptToDecFile
   return = DoConnection(strCmdline, strGenerateKey, strServer, True)

   ' if root / or not root
   If Args.Count > 5 Then

    objShell.Run "putty.exe -ssh " & strUser & "@" & strServer
    WScript.Sleep 5000
    objShell.AppActivate strServer & " - PuTTY"
    WScript.Sleep 5000
    objShell.SendKeys "" &  strPassword & "{ENTER}"
    WScript.Sleep 5000     
    objShell.SendKeys "su - " & strRootName & "{ENTER}"
    WScript.Sleep 5000     
    objShell.SendKeys "" & strRootPassword & "{ENTER}"
    WScript.Sleep 5000     
    objShell.SendKeys "cd /tmp/" & strDirectory & "; sh " & strScriptToExecute & "{ENTER}"
    WScript.Sleep 5000     
    WScript.Echo "Execute " & strScriptToExecute & " script on server " & strServer
    strCmdline = ComSpec & " /c """ & strPlink & """ -batch -C -pw " & strPassword & " " & strUser & "@" & strServer & " " & "cd /tmp/" & strDirectory & "; sh " & strScriptToExecute
    return = DoConnection(strCmdline, strGenerateKey, strServer, True)
   End If
  End If
 End If


' Quit
WScript.Sleep 1000


' DoConnection
Function DoConnection(strCmdline, strGenerateKey, strServer, displayLogfile)
 Dim objCmd, return, Continue

 'WScript.Echo "cmdline->" & strCmdline
 Set objCmd = objShell.Exec(strCmdline)
 Do While objCmd.Status = 0
  return = objCmd.stdErr.ReadAll
  WScript.Sleep 100
 If (displayLogfile) Then
  Dim strStdOut
  strStdOut = objCmd.StdOut.ReadAll()
  If (len(strStdOut) > 0) Then
   Wscript.Echo strStdOut
  End If
 End If

 continue = 0
 If Instr(return, "Access denied" ) > 0 Then ' Access denied
  WScript.Echo "ERROR on server " & strServer & vbCrLf & return
  continue = 0

 Elseif Instr(return, "Unable to open connection" ) > 0 Then ' Unable to open connection
  WScript.Echo "ERROR on server " & strServer & vbCrLf & return
  continue = 0

 Elseif Instr(return, "ERROR" ) > 0 Then ' FATAL ERROR: Network error: Connection timed out
  WScript.Echo "ERROR on server " & strServer & vbCrLf & return
  continue = 0

 Elseif Instr(return, "fingerprint" ) > 0 Then
  If (len(strGenerateKey) > 2) Then
   WScript.Echo "GENERATE key fingerprint on server " & strServer
   'WScript.Echo "generatekey->" & strGenerateKey
   continue = 1
   WScript.Echo "NOT GENERATE key fingerprint " & strServer
   continue = 2
  End If
  continue = 255
  'WScript.Echo "Logged on " & strServer & " - " & return
 End if

 DoConnection = continue
End Function


' isFileExist
' Test if File Exist
Function IsFileExist(strInputFile)
 Dim objFSO
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If Not objFSO.FileExists(strInputFile) Then
  Wscript.echo strInputFile & " file not exist !"
  IsFileExist = False
  IsFileExist = True
 End If
End Function


' ReadFileToDict
' Read each line -> put in Dictionary
' strInputfile = file to read
' objDictionary = dictionary for results
Function ReadFileToDict(strInputFile, ByRef objDictionary)
 Dim objFSO, objTextFile, strNextLine, i
 Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If isFileExist(strInputFile) Then
  Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strInputFile, ForReading)
  i = 0
  Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
   strNextLine = Trim(objTextFile.Readline)
   If ( (Not Left(strNextLine, 1) = "#") _
    and (Not Left(strNextLine, 1) = ";") _
    and (Len(strNextLine)>1) _
    ) Then
    objDictionary.Add i, strNextLine
    i = i + 1
   End If
  ReadFileToDict = True
  ReadFileToDict = False
 End If
End Function


' WriteStrToFile
' Write string to file
' strOutputFile = file to write
' strContent = string to write
Function WriteStrToFile(strOutputFile, ByRef strContent)
 Dim objFSO, objTextFile
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set objTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strOutputFile, True)  ' delete file
End Function
