There is an article on Microsoft which explain how to remove credentials:
Remote Desktop Connection 6.0 prompts you for credentials before you establish a remote desktop connection
To resume, edit your default.rdp file (hide file on your "My document" directory"
Then add or modify lines using these line
authentication level:i:0
But, what about trust computer window ? Each time you connect a new computer you must check "Don't prompt me again for connections to this computer". What a pity that Microsoft
To avoid that problem, I created a "5 minute powershell script" below
# Generate registry for RDP Prompt
# by Franck RICHARD
# 2012 November
# Script Directory
$strCurDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# Generate Files
$date_for_file = get-date -format "yyyyMMdd"
$Content = @"
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\LocalDevices]
"@ + "`r`n"
$stComputer = Get-Content computer.txt
Foreach ($strLine in $stComputer) {
If ($strLine.length -gt 0) { # take only line with data and without # at begininng of the line
If ($strLine.substring(0,1) -ne "#") {
$Content = $Content + '"' + $strLine.Trim() +'"=dword:0000000d' + "`r`n"
$RegistryFile = "RDP_dontprompttrusted_" + $date_for_file + ".reg"
New-Item $RegistryFile -Type file -Force | Out-Null
$Content | Out-File -encoding ASCII -Append $RegistryFile
You just need a computer.txt file like below with all your computers
To generate this file, you can for example use this command (on a server), which generate ALL computers in your AD
dsquery computer -limit 0 -o rdn > domain_computers.txt
or this command for servers only:
dsquery * domainroot -limit 0 -filter "(&(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Server*))" -attr Name > domain_servers.txt
Powershell file generate a RDP_dontprompttrusted_DATE.reg file you just to run to avoid prompt