Information about \Monitoring\Overview\Distribution Status\Distribution Point Group Status
Console information come from file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\ConsoleRoot in MonitoringNode.xml
and from SMSProv.log (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Log)
"Distribution Point Group Status"
Execute WQL =SELECT * FROM SMS_DPGroupInfo
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPGroupInfo.AssignedContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.Description,SMS_DPGroupInfo.FeatureType,SMS_DPGroupInfo.GroupID,SMS_DPGroupInfo.MembersCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.Name,SMS_DPGroupInfo.ErrorContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.InProgressContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.SuccessContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.UnknownContentCount from vSMS_DPGroupInfo AS SMS_DPGroupInfo
Filter here is NOT a query filter but a console filter
Example line above = these below informations (GroupID change for each line)
GroupID = {0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}
Name = All Distribution Points
Description = All Distribution Points Worldwide
MembersCount = 2827
FeatureType = 9
AssignedContentCount = 13
SuccessContentCount = 0
InProgressContentCount = 0
ErrorContentCount = 13
UnknownContentCount = 0
"Distribution Point Group Status"-> View Status
Get Object GroupID
GetObjectAsync : SMS_DPGroupInfo.GroupID="{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}"
then get informations
Execute WQL =select * from SMS_DPGroupInfo WHERE GroupID = "{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}"
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPGroupInfo.AssignedContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.Description,SMS_DPGroupInfo.FeatureType,SMS_DPGroupInfo.GroupID,SMS_DPGroupInfo.MembersCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.Name,SMS_DPGroupInfo.ErrorContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.InProgressContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.SuccessContentCount,SMS_DPGroupInfo.UnknownContentCount from vSMS_DPGroupInfo AS SMS_DPGroupInfo where SMS_DPGroupInfo.GroupID = N'{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}'
Then display MessageType "Success" using vSMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus
1 = Success
Execute WQL =SELECT * FROM SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus WHERE GroupID = '{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND MessageType = 1
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.Assets,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.ContentCount,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageCategory,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.StatusTime from vSMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus AS SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus where (SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID = N'{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState = 1)
2 = InProgress
Execute WQL =SELECT * FROM SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus WHERE GroupID = '{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND MessageType = 2
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.Assets,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.ContentCount,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageCategory,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.StatusTime from vSMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus AS SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus where (SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID = N'{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState = 2)
4 = Error
Execute WQL =SELECT * FROM SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus WHERE GroupID = '{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND MessageType = 4
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.Assets,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.ContentCount,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageCategory,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.StatusTime from vSMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus AS SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus where (SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID = N'{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState = 4)
5 = Unknow
Execute WQL =SELECT * FROM SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus WHERE GroupID = '{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND MessageType = 5
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.Assets,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.ContentCount,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageCategory,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState,SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.StatusTime from vSMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus AS SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus where (SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.GroupID = N'{0D30A907-B1BE-427D-AA91-7E2E5B5AE5C4}' AND SMS_DPGroupDistributionStatus.MessageState = 5)
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Monday, June 25, 2018
SCCM - Deep Dive in "Distribution Point Configuration Status" entries - part 2 : modify / update / delete status
PART 2 : MODIFY/ UPDATE "Distribution Point Configuration Status" entries
WARNING: MODIFY DATABASE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY MICROSOFT.In "\Monitoring\Overview\Distribution Status\Distribution Point Configuration Status" there is sometime some status messages which have not been deleted or updated automatically by SCCM.
Example: I have a Distribution Point indicating "restart might be required" but after verification computers have been rebooted 3 times since message
So for better monitoring you want ALL distribution point status Green
Here, a distribution point not Green
"Restart might be required" Problem
Message: Restart might be required
Message Detail : SMS Client
For "Restart might be required" I found a blog how to delete this entry
However, I find something better I think.
Here I use DATEDIFF to have only lines > 60 days
I 1st check how many DP with this error:
SELECT count(*) FROM DistributionStatus
AND InsStr2 = '3010'
AND (DATEDIFF(dd, LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 )
Ouch: 203 Pull Distribution Point!!!
SELECT * FROM DistributionStatus
AND InsStr2 = '3010'
AND (DATEDIFF(dd, LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 )
ORDER BY LastStatusTime
Finally checking all fields that LastStatusMsgID could have value 2364 or 2366
but it seems that
when value = 2364 "Status Type"is "In Progress" with "SMS Client" in "Message Detail"
when LastStatusMsgID=2366 "Status Type" is "Success" and "Message Detail" is "Distribution Manager attempted to run a tool to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "DNLPATH". Reboot or manual installation of IIS might be required to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings."
I check that on a DP with value LastStatusMsgID=2364
Then I update value to 2366
UPDATE DistributionStatus
SET LastStatusMsgID = '2366' WHERE InsStr2 = '3010' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 ) AND DPNALPath LIKE '%XXXXX%'
Et Voilà. Better than use Delete
[EDIT 2019-01 begin ]
To check all servers with message ''restart might be required' > 60 days
SELECT * FROM DistributionStatus as DS
INNER JOIN DistributionPointMessages as DPM ON DPM.DistributionStatusID = DS.ID
WHERE DS.InsStr2 = '3010' AND DS.LastStatusMsgID = '2364'
AND (DATEDIFF(dd, DPM.LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 )
ORDER BY DPM.LastStatusTime
LastStatusTime from DistributionStatus is not correct Time: good time is from DistributionPointMessages table
and update for all these servers to 'success' query is:
UPDATE DS SET LastStatusMsgID = '2366' FROM DistributionStatus AS DS INNER JOIN DistributionPointMessages as DPM ON DPM.DistributionStatusID = DS.ID WHERE DS.InsStr2 = '3010' AND DS.LastStatusMsgID = '2364' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, DPM.LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 )
Update DistributionStatus here change also DistributionPointMessages table
[EDIT 2019-01 end ]
"Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point" Problem
Message: Processing content
Message Detail : Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point ["Display=\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=XXX"]\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\. Or the package list in content library doesn't match the one in WMI. Review smsdpmon.log for more information about this failure.
Update DistributionStatus
Set LastStatusMsgID = '2393' WHERE DPNALPath LIKE '%XXXXXXX%'
AND LastStatusMsgID = '2388'
AND (DATEDIFF(dd, LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 )
-> that modify also [DistributionPointMessages] with trigger
MessageCategory =115 MessageID = "2388" to MessageCategory =119 MessageID = "2393"
2388 = Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point ["Display=\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=XXX"]. Or the package list in content library doesn't match the one in WMI. Review smsdpmon.log for more information about this failure.
2393 = Successfully retrieved and validated the package list from the distribution point ["Display=\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=XXX"].
[EDIT 2019-01 begin ]
To check all servers with message ''failed to retrieve package' > 60 days
SELECT * FROM DistributionStatus as DS
INNER JOIN DistributionPointMessages as DPM ON DPM.DistributionStatusID = DS.ID
WHERE LastStatusMsgID = '2388' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, DPM.LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 )
ORDER BY DPM.LastStatusTime
LastStatusTime from DistributionStatus is not correct Time: good time is from DistributionPointMessages table
update for all these servers to 'success' query is:
UPDATE DS Set LastStatusMsgID = '2393' FROM DistributionStatus AS DS INNER JOIN DistributionPointMessages as DPM ON DPM.DistributionStatusID = DS.ID WHERE DS.LastStatusMsgID = '2388' AND (DATEDIFF(dd, DPM.LastStatusTime,Getdate()) >= 60 )
Update DistributionStatus here change also DistributionPointMessages table
[EDIT 2019-01 end ]
Configuration Manager,
Distribution Point,
Friday, June 22, 2018
SCCM 'Client certificate' value set to 'none' problem can be right problems
Today a client ask me why his SCCM client not working and has "client certificate" to none and not self-signed
when it is a certificate problem , first thing is to check client log and mainly "CertificateMaintenance.log" file
As you can see, there is not a lot of logs on this computer
open now CertificateMaintenance.log
We can see a lot of error
Creating Signing Certificate...
Failed to create certificate 8009000f
CCMDoCertificateMaintenance() failed (0x8009000f).
Raising pending event:
instance of CCM_ServiceHost_CertificateOperationsFailure
DateTime = "20180622091556.352000+000";
HRESULT = "0x8009000f";
ProcessID = 7796;
ThreadID = 2276;
CCMDoCertificateMaintenance() raised CCM_ServiceHost_CertificateOperationsFailure status event.
I know that there is a lot articles about this problem. I will not reinvent the wheel, so internet search find me fastly the same problem: or
I already resolved this problem but this time I do an explanation for everyone
As screenshot show there is a difference between normal MachineKeys permissions below
and permissions on computer with certificate problems. Everyone and Administrators are applies to "this folder only" but user MYUSER has "This folder,subfolders and files"
We can see on file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\19c5cf9... there is a difference too with ONLY user MYUSER with rights
Problem is you SHOULD have rights for SYSTEM as below to permit local system to read certificate file
when it is a certificate problem , first thing is to check client log and mainly "CertificateMaintenance.log" file
As you can see, there is not a lot of logs on this computer
open now CertificateMaintenance.log
We can see a lot of error
Creating Signing Certificate...
Failed to create certificate 8009000f
CCMDoCertificateMaintenance() failed (0x8009000f).
Raising pending event:
instance of CCM_ServiceHost_CertificateOperationsFailure
DateTime = "20180622091556.352000+000";
HRESULT = "0x8009000f";
ProcessID = 7796;
ThreadID = 2276;
CCMDoCertificateMaintenance() raised CCM_ServiceHost_CertificateOperationsFailure status event.
I know that there is a lot articles about this problem. I will not reinvent the wheel, so internet search find me fastly the same problem: or
I already resolved this problem but this time I do an explanation for everyone
As screenshot show there is a difference between normal MachineKeys permissions below
and permissions on computer with certificate problems. Everyone and Administrators are applies to "this folder only" but user MYUSER has "This folder,subfolders and files"
Problem is you SHOULD have rights for SYSTEM as below to permit local system to read certificate file
SCCM - Deep Dive in "Distribution Point Configuration Status" entries - part 1 : how find information
Below example of Distribution Point messages in \Monitoring\Overview\Distribution Status\Distribution Point Configuration Status
Before explaining how to change these values (part 2 modify / update / delete status) let's explaining how find information
Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point ["Display=\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=XXX"]\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\. Or the package list in content library doesn't match the one in WMI. Review smsdpmon.log for more information about this failure.
ex: Restart might be required
1st thing to do is to find where table must be checked. For that it is necessary to find line "Execute SQL" in SMSProv.log in Primary Server WHEN (and at exactly date/time) in console you click on the COMPUTER distribution point on "\Monitoring\Overview\Distribution Status\Distribution Point Configuration Status"
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPStatusDetails.DPName,SMS_DPStatusDetails.ID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString1,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString10,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString2,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString3,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString4,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString5,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString6,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString7,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString8,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString9,SMS_DPStatusDetails.LastStatusTime,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageCategory,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageFullID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageSeverity,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageState,SMS_DPStatusDetails.NALPath,SMS_DPStatusDetails.PackageID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.SiteCode,SMS_DPStatusDetails.StatusMsgID from vSMS_DPStatusDetails AS SMS_DPStatusDetails where SMS_DPStatusDetails.NALPath = N'["Display=\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=XXX"]\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\'
Here we found view is vSMS_DPStatusDetail. We must now find which table is created to do this view- > Use a filter clicking Views / Filter / Filter settings and indicate vSMS_DPStatusDetails as Name. Then Select this table right click on Script View as "CREATE To" / "New Query Editor Window" to display how this View created
that permit you to find this view come using 2 Views: v_DistributionPointMessages AND v_DistributionPointInfo
Your task is now to take each view and down to Table and not view (tables are in CM_XXX database with XXX = your site code in folder tables)
Then verify there is NO dependencies using right click on table then "View Dependencies" (select "objects on which [tablename] depends"
Finally tables/view dependencies for vSMS_DPStatusDetails are:
(1)-> v_DistributionPointInfo
(2)-> v_DistributionPointInfoBase
(3)-> SC_Address
(4)-> .....
(1)-> v_DistributionPointMessages (2) DistributionPointMessages
(2)-> v_ContentDistributionMessages (3)-> ContentDistributionMessages
(3)-> DistributionStatusInfo
I found 2 tables at the end (with no dependencies) which can be table to modify for my problem [ContentDistributionMessages] and [DistributionPointMessages] (others tables not correspond to messages)
But there is a trigger "tr_DistributionStatus_ContentNotification" in [DistributionStatus] to merge ContentDistributionMessages and DistributionPointMessages
Update [DistributionStatus] -> Update [DistributionPointMessages]
Update [DistributionPointMessages] -> NOT Update [DistributionStatus]
to simplify we can say:
[DistributionPointMessages].DistributionStatusID = [DistributionStatus].ID
[DistributionPointMessages].MessageID = [DistributionStatus].LastStatusMsgID
[DistributionPointMessages].LastStatusID = [DistributionStatus].LastStatusID
[DistributionPointMessages].LastStatusTime = [DistributionStatus].LastStatusTime
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr1 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr1
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr2 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr2
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr3 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr3
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr4 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr4
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr5 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr5
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr6 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr6
and Category from DistributionStatusInfo
Select *
FROM DistributionStatusInfo
MessageID MessageCategory MessageState MessageSeverity MessageType
2300 117 2 1073741824 0
2301 117 2 1073741824 0
2302 117 4 -1073741824 0
2303 121 1 1073741824 0
2305 117 4 -1073741824 0
2306 117 4 -1073741824 0
2307 117 4 -1073741824 0
2312 120 4 -1073741824 0
2313 123 4 -1073741824 0
2314 10 2 1073741824 0
2317 120 2 1073741824 0
2318 120 4 -1073741824 0
2319 20 4 -1073741824 0
2320 20 4 -1073741824 0
2321 20 4 -1073741824 0
2322 23 2 1073741824 0
2323 120 4 -1073741824 0
2324 120 4 -1073741824 0
2326 117 4 -1073741824 0
2327 120 4 -1073741824 0
2328 120 4 -1073741824 0
2329 120 2 1073741824 0
2330 121 1 1073741824 0
2332 123 4 -1073741824 0
2335 1 2 1073741824 0
2337 122 4 -1073741824 0
2342 120 2 1073741824 0
2344 39 4 -1073741824 8
2345 40 4 -1073741824 0
2346 120 4 -1073741824 0
2350 122 2 1073741824 0
2351 122 4 -2147483648 0
2352 122 4 -1073741824 0
2354 115 4 -1073741824 0
2356 120 4 -1073741824 0
2357 120 2 1073741824 0
2358 52 4 -2147483648 0
2359 53 4 -1073741824 0
2360 54 4 -1073741824 0
2361 120 4 -1073741824 0
2362 56 1 1073741824 0
2363 57 1 1073741824 0
2364 65 2 -1073741824 0
2365 66 4 1073741824 0
2366 65 1 1073741824 0
2367 118 1 1073741824 0
2368 75 4 -2147483648 0
2370 73 4 -1073741824 0
2371 77 2 1073741824 0
2372 1 2 1073741824 0
2373 79 1 1073741824 1
2374 80 1 1073741824 2
2375 2 1 1073741824 8
2376 115 2 1073741824 0
2380 115 2 1073741824 0
2381 115 2 1073741824 0
2382 116 4 -1073741824 0
2383 116 4 -2147483648 0
2384 119 1 1073741824 0
2385 116 4 -1073741824 0
2387 115 4 1073741824 0
2388 115 3 -2147483648 4
2389 120 4 -2147483648 0
2390 121 1 1073741824 0
2391 78 4 -1073741824 0
2392 57 1 -2147483648 0
2393 119 1 1073741824 4
2397 13 2 1073741824 0
2398 115 2 1073741824 0
2399 81 1 1073741824 0
3532 64 4 -2147483648 0
4401 20 4 -1073741824 0
4402 38 4 -1073741824 0
8201 70 4 -1073741824 0
8202 70 4 -1073741824 0
8203 70 4 -1073741824 0
8204 76 2 1073741824 0
8205 70 4 -2147483648 0
8206 76 2 1073741824 0
8208 60 4 -1073741824 0
8211 70 4 -1073741824 0
8212 76 2 1073741824 0
9300 13 4 -1073741824 0
9301 13 4 -1073741824 0
9302 13 4 -1073741824 0
9303 13 4 -1073741824 0
9304 13 4 -1073741824 0
9305 13 4 -1073741824 0
9306 13 4 -1073741824 0
9307 82 4 -2147483648 0
9308 82 4 -2147483648 0
9309 82 4 -2147483648 0
9310 82 4 -2147483648 0
9311 13 4 -1073741824 0
9403 91 2 1073741824 4
9404 92 2 1073741824 2
9405 93 2 1073741824 0
9406 94 2 1073741824 4
9407 95 2 1073741824 4
9408 96 1 1073741824 4
9409 97 1 1073741824 0
9410 98 4 -1073741824 0
9411 99 4 -1073741824 0
9412 100 2 1073741824 4
9413 100 1 1073741824 4
9414 99 4 -1073741824 4
9415 99 4 -1073741824 0
9416 100 2 1073741824 8
9417 100 1 1073741824 8
9418 99 4 -1073741824 8
9419 101 2 1073741824 2
9420 106 1 1073741824 2
9421 102 4 -1073741824 2
9422 103 2 1073741824 2
9423 104 1 1073741824 2
9424 105 4 -1073741824 2
9425 108 4 -1073741824 3
9426 109 4 -1073741824 3
9427 110 4 -1073741824 3
9428 111 4 -1073741824 3
9429 112 4 -1073741824 3
9430 113 1 1073741824 3
9431 114 4 -1073741824 3
9500 79 1 1073741824 1
9501 79 1 1073741824 1
9502 80 1 1073741824 2
9503 80 1 1073741824 2
9506 41 4 1073741824 0
9507 125 2 1073741824 0
9508 125 2 1073741824 0
9509 125 2 1073741824 0
9517 116 4 -2147483648 0
9518 116 4 -1073741824 0
30010 72 2 1073741824 0
40409 42 2 1073741824 0
using strings frim sysinternals/Microsoft we can find which .dll called for MessageID
For that use something like that:
strings.exe -s -n 7 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole" > admconsole_strings_recurse.txt
Now in "admconsole_strings_recurse.txt" file you have .dll associated
Ex: for MessageCategory strings in console come from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\AdminUI.UIResources.dll"
(as you can see I did't find all Message Category. I will complete it if I take time to script that part)
[MODIFIED 2019-08-15 BEGIN]
Script to fnd all message in "AdminUI.UIResources.dll"
$resFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\AdminUI.UIResources.dll"
$ResourceAssembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($resFile)
#$arrManifestName = $ResourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames() # Get all resources names
$resourcename = "Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.UIResources._DistributionStatus_.resources"
$resStream = $ResourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream($resourcename)
$ResReader = New-Object System.Resources.ResourceReader($resStream)
here MessageCategory
Name Value
1 Waiting for content
2 IIS was configured successfully on the distribution point
4 Content was successfully refreshed
6 Failed to process content without a source folder
7 The source folder for content does not exist
8 Failed to access the source folder for content
10 Content was removed
13 Failed to distribute content
14 Failed to remove content
18 Refreshing content on distribution point
20 Failed to decompress content
23 Content was successfully decompressed
24 Failed to initialize NAL
25 Failed to access or create the content share
27 Failed to save content status
28 Failed to update content properties
29 Failed to copy content
30 Content was successfully copied
31 Content was distributed to distribution point
34 Sending the compressed content file to the child site
35 Instructed Scheduler and Sender to send content
36 Failed to instruct Scheduler
37 Start to distribute content to distribution point
38 Not enough free disk space
39 Failed to create virtual directory
40 Failed to delete virtual directory
41 Package distribution cancelled by user
42 User initiated a cancel action
44 Send a forwarding request to site
45 Failed to forward content to site
48 Failed to validate content status file
50 Failed to instruct Content Transfer Manager
51 Content transfer manager was instructed to send content to the distribution point
52 Unsupported distribution point features
53 Failed to find an available disk drive on the distribution point
54 Failed to verify disk drive
56 IIS was installed successfully on the distribution point
57 IIS hasn't been installed on distribution point
58 Content evaluation has started
59 An evaluation task is running. Content was added to the queue.
60 Content hash is invalid
61 Failed to validate content hash
62 Content hash has been successfully verified
63 One or more files are missing
64 Sender encountered errors while sending content
65 Restart might be required
66 Failed to install IIS
70 Failed to update package
72 Content is being redistributed to the distribution point
73 Failed to install distribution point
74 Package was successfully imported
75 Failed to import from prestaged content file
76 Content is being distributed to the distribution point
77 Waiting for prestaged content
78 Failed to connect to remote distribution point
79 PXE setting is changed
80 Multicast setting is changed
81 Distribution Point installation\upgrade successfully completed
82 Problem encountered while distributing content
83 Distribution point maintenance mode setting is changed
91 Cloud distribution point service was created
92 Cloud distribution point service was created
93 Cloud distribution point provisioning has started
94 Cloud distribution point storage account configured successfully
95 Cloud services manager has uploaded service package
96 Cloud service is fully configured and ready for use
97 Cloud distribution point provisioning has completed successfully
98 Cloud distribution point provisioning has failed.
99 Cloud distribution point operation failed.
100 Cloud distribution point maintenance operation
101 Cloud distribution point service is starting
102 Cloud distribution point service failed to start
103 Cloud distribution point service is stopping
104 Cloud distribution point service has stopped
105 Cloud distribution point service failed to stop
106 Cloud distribution point service was started
108 Management certificate is invalid
109 Cloud distribution point service not found
110 Cloud distribution point service is not running
111 Cloud distribution point service not found
112 Cloud distribution point monitoring error
113 Cloud distribution point is in running state
114 Cloud storage account was not found
115 Processing content
116 Processing content on distribution point
117 Processing content on site server
118 Successfully processed content
119 Successfully processed content on distribution point
120 Distributing content
121 Successfully distributed content
122 Sending content to destination site
123 Removing content
125 Downloading content from source distribution point
998 Starting to process content
999 Unknown status
[MODIFIED 2019-08-15 END]
1 = "Waiting for content"
2 = "IIS was configured successfully on the distribution point"
13 = "Content was distributed to distribution point"
38 = "Not enough free disk space"
39 = "Failed to create virtual directory"
56 = "IS was installed successfully on the distribution point"
60 = "Content hash is invalid"
65 = "Restart might be required"
70 = "Failed to update package"
72 = "Content is being redistributed to the distribution point"
73 = "Failed to install distribution point"
76 = "Content is being distributed to the distribution point"
78 = "Failed to connect to remote distribution point"
79 = "PXE setting is changed"
80 = "Multicast setting is changed"
81 = "Distribution Point installation\upgrade successfully completed"
96 = "Cloud service is fully configured and ready for use"
97 = "Cloud distribution point provisioning has completed successfully"
100 = "Cloud distribution point maintenance operation"
106 = "Cloud distribution point service was started"
113 = "Cloud distribution point is in running state"
115 = "Processing content"
116 = "Processing content on distribution point"
119 = "Successfully processed content on distribution point"
120 = "Distributing content"
For other Messages we can use 1st an export for .dll using"Enumerate status message strings" which permit to find "MessageId"
Using DistributionPointInfo and information we can find all Distribution Point entries:
2300;Distribution Manager is beginning to process package "%1" (package ID = %2).
2301;Distribution Manager successfully processed package "%1" (package ID = %2).
2302;Distribution Manager failed to process package "%1" (package ID = %2). | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have access to either the package source directory or the distribution point. | Solution: Verify that distribution manager can access the package source directory/distribution point. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system. | Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility. | Possible cause: There is not enough disk space available on the site server computer or the distribution point. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space available on the site server computer and on the distribution point. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files that might be in use by an active process. | Solution: Close any processes that maybe using files in the source directory. If this failure persists, create an alternate copy of the source directory and update the package source to point to it.
2303;Distribution Manager refreshed package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
2305;Distribution Manager failed to process package "%1" without a source directory. | Possible cause: The Source directory is not specified. | Solution: Verify that you have specified the package source directory on the Data Source tab in the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2306;The source directory "%1" for package "%2" does not exist. | Solution: Make sure you have specified a valid package source directory on the Data Source tab in the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. If you specify a local path, it must be a local path on the site server. If you specify a path on a network drive, verify that the path exists and that the path is typed correctly. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2307;Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for package "%2". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to the package source directory. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account has at least Read access to the directory you specify as the package source directory. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system. | Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2312;Distribution Manager failed to update the distribution source for package "%1". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager cannot update the package data in the site database. | Solution: | 1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors. | 2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer. | 3. Verify that SQL Server services are running. | 4. Verify that the site can access the site database. | 5. Verify that the site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. | 6. Verify that there are at least 50 SQL Server user connections, plus 5 for each Configuration Manager Console. | If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs. | Possible cause: Low disk space on the drive containing the package source files. | Solution: Make more space available on that drive. | Possible cause: The package source files are being written to a remote computer that is not accessible. | Solution: Ensure that the remote computer is running and accessible. | Possible cause: The package source files exist, but something else has changed the permissions or attributes of the files or the directory containing them. | Solution: Restore the files' permissions or attributes so that the site can access the files. | Possible cause: The package source files exist, but they are corrupt. | Solution: Delete the files and replace them with backup copies. | If you ignore this problem, ConfigMgr will probably fix it and complete this operation later. If this error occurs repeatedly, refer to your ConfigMgr Documentation or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2313;Distribution Manager failed to remove package "%1" from "%2". | Possible cause: The share type or the share name have been changed since the package was created. | Solution: Verify that the share defined for this package is accessible to Distribution Manager running on the site server and that the name of the share has not been changed. If users are currently accessing the share, disconnect them before making any changes to the share. If the package distribution point is located on a Windows computer, you can force users to disconnect by clicking on the "Disconnect users from distribution points" box in the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2314;Distribution Manager removed package "%1" from "%2" due to changes in the share type or the share name.
2317;Distribution Manager is refreshing package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
2318;Distribution Manager failed to distribute package "%1". | Possible cause: The specified share is a hidden Windows NT drive share or a hidden Windows NT admin share. | Solution: Specify a different share name on the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2319;Distribution Manager failed to decompress package "%1" from "%2". | Possible cause: The compressed image "%2" is either missing or corrupt. | Distribution Manager will attempt to recover the package by requesting a new compressed package image from the site that sent it.
2320;There is not enough free disk space on the site server to decompress package "%1". | Possible cause: At least %2 megabytes of free disk space are required. | Solution: Allocate more free disk space for the site server.
2321;Distribution Manager failed to decompress package "%1" from "%2" to "%3". The file that failed to decompress is "%4". | Possible cause: The drive containing directory "%3" does not have enough free disk space. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space.
2322;Distribution Manager decompressed package "%1" from "%2" to "%3".
2323;Distribution Manager failed to connect to the distribution point. | Possible cause: Distribution Manager cannot access the distribution point machine because of access permissions issues. | Solution: Make sure that the site server machine account or Site System Installation account has administrative permissions on the distribution point machine. | Retry Interval is %1 minutes, number of retries left is %2.
2324;Distribution Manager failed to find or create the defined share or folder (%3) on distribution point "%1" for distributing package "%2". | Possible cause: Windows NT distribution points might not have at least one available NTFS drive. | Solution: Verify that there is at least one NTFS drive with enough free disk space to store the package. Then, verify that the distribution point directory exists, has the proper permissions, and is accessible. | Retry Interval is %4 minutes, number of retries left is %5.
2326;Distribution Manager failed to save package status for package "%1" to the site database. | Possible cause: SQL Server problem. | Solution: | 1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors. | 2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer. | 3. Verify that SQL Server services are running. | 4. Verify that the site server can access the site database. | 5. Verify that the site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. | 6. | If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2327;Distribution Manager failed to update the package properties on distribution points for package "%1". | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space on the site server to update the package. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2328;Distribution Manager failed to copy package "%1" from "%2" to "%3". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to read from the package source directory or to write to the destination directory on the distribution point. | Solution: In the Configuration Manager Console, verify that the Site System Installation accounts have sufficient privileges to the source and destination directories. | Possible cause: The distribution point might not be accessible to Distribution Manager running on the site server. | Solution: If users are currently accessing the package files on the distribution point, disconnect the users first. If the package distribution point is located on a Windows NT computer, you can force users to disconnect by clicking on the "Disconnect users from distribution points" box in the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box. | Possible cause: The distribution point does not have enough free disk space to store the package. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system. | Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility. | Retry Interval is %4 minutes, number of retries left is %5.
2329;Distribution Manager copied package "%1" from "%2" to "%3".
2330;Distribution Manager successfully distributed package "%1" to distribution point "%2".
2332;Distribution Manager failed to remove package "%1" from distribution path "%2". | Possible cause: The distribution point might not be accessible to Distribution Manager running on the site server. | Solution: If users are currently accessing the package files on the distribution point, disconnect the users first. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2335;Distribution Manager instructed Scheduler and Sender to send package "%1" to child site "%2".
2337;Distribution Manager failed to instruct Scheduler to send package "%1" to child site "%2". | Solution: Verify that the site server has available memory and that there is enough free disk space to create the instruction file. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2342;Distribution Manager is starting to distribute package "%1" to distribution point "%2".
2344;Failed to create virtual directory on the defined share or volume on distribution point "%1". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager requires that IIS base components be installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server in order to create the virtual directory. Distribution Manager also requires that IIS Web Services be installed on the Distribution Point Server that needs to support Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). | Solution: Verify that IIS base components are installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server, and IIS Web Services are installed on the Distribution Point Server.
2345;Failed to delete virtual directory on the defined share or volume on distribution point "%1". | Possible cause: The IIS base components may not be installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server or IIS Web Services may not be installed on the Distribution Point Server. | Solution: Verify that IIS base components are installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server, and IIS Web Services are installed on the Distribution Point Server.
2346;Distribution Manager failed to distribute package "%1". | Possible cause: The specified share is a hidden share. | Solution: Specify a different share name on the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2350;Distribution Manager instructed Scheduler and Sender to send a forwarding request to site "%2", requesting that site to forward package "%1" to site "%3".
2351;Distribution Manager is unable to forward package "%1" to site(s) "%2" because the local version of the package ("%3") is greater than the version requested ("%4"). | Possible cause: A package update has recently been triggered. The package source site has been recently recovered. | Possible workaround: If the package has been recently updated, verify that sites "%2" receive the package directly from package source site. If package source site has been recently recovered, verify that all recovery steps for this package have been followed.
2352;Distribution Manager is unable to forward package "%1" to site(s) "%2" because the local version of the package ("%3") is lower than the version requested ("%4"). | Possible cause: A package update has recently been triggered. This site "%5" has been recently recovered. | Possible workaround: If the package has been recently updated, verify that sites "%2" receive the package directly from package source site. If this site has been recently recovered, verify that all recovery steps for this package have been followed.
2354;Failed to validate package status file "%1" received from Distribution Point %2 for package %3. | Possible cause: For content prestaging, the remote distribution point package is not enabled for prestaging. The package being prestaged on the remote distribution point is not enabled for prestaging. The source version of the package extracted on the remote prestaged distribution point or distributed to the remote distribution point does not match with the current version of the package on the site server. | Solution: Verify that both the remote distribution point as well as the package is enabled for prestaging. Ensure that the latest version of the package is being extracted/distributed on/to the remote distribution point.
2356;Distribution Manager failed to instruct Package Transfer manager to send package "%1" to distribution point "%2". | Solution: Verify that the site server has available memory and that there is enough free disk space to create the send job. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2357;Distribution Manager instructed Package Transfer manager to send package "%1" to distribution point "%2".
2358;"%1" server ("%2") is a 32-bit system. Multicast or File Streaming are not supported distribution point features on 32-bit system. | These features can not be enabled on this distribution point.
2359;Distribution Manager failed to find a drive on distribution point "%1" on system "%2" which has characteristics appropriate for storing shared folders used by distribution point. | Possible cause: Windows NT distribution points might not have at least one available NTFS drive. | Solution: Verify that there is at least one NTFS drive with enough free disk space to store the packages.
2360;Distribution Manager failed to verify drive specified by user on distribution point "%1" on system "%2". | Possible cause: The distribution point might not have specified volume or the speicified volume is not NTFS drive or it does not have enough free space. | Solution: Verify that selected drive is of NTFS type with enough free disk space to store the packages.
2361;Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for content "%2" (content ID = %3). | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to the source directory. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account has at least Read access to the directory you specify as the source directory. | Possible cause: There is not enough disk space available on the site server. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space available on the site server. | Retry Interval is %4 minutes, number of retries left is %5.
2362;Distribution Manager successfully installed IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1".
2363;Distribution Manager has not tried to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1" because its operating system is older than Windows Server 2008. Manual installation of IIS component of operating system to distribution point might be needed. Please ensure RDC is also enabled.
2364;Distribution Manager installed IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". Installation process ended with an exit code of %2. Reboot of machine "%1" is needed to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings.
2365;Distribution Manager attempted to run a tool to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". The tool returned non-zero error code %2. Reboot or manual installation of IIS might be required to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings and RDC is enabled.
2366;Distribution Manager attempted to run a tool to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". Reboot or manual installation of IIS might be required to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings.
2367;Package "%1" content was successfully imported from a prestaged content file to distribution points on site server "%2" (%3).
2368;An error occurred during the import of content from a prestaged content file to distribution points on site server "%1" (%2).
2370;Distribution Manager failed to install distribution point %1 on computer %2. | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to the computer. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account is an administrator on the distribution point computer.
2371;Distribution Manager is waiting for package %1 content to be prestaged on the distribution point %2. You must manually prestage the package %1 on the distribution point before the content will be available.
2372;The content files for package %1 have not yet arrived from the source site %2. Distribution Manager will try again later to distribute the content.
2373;PXE is %1 on distribution point %2
2374;Multicast is %1 on distribution point %2
2375;Created virtual directories on the defined share or volume on distribution point "%1" successfully.
2376;Distribution Manager created a snapshot for content %1 successfully.
2380;Start to evaluate package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
2381;An evaluation task is running. Put package "%1" to wait queue on distribution point "%2".
2382;The hash of package "%1" is invalid on distribution point "%2". Please redistribute the package.
2383;Failed to validate package "%1" on distribution point "%2". The package may not be present or may be corrupt. Please redistribute it.
2384;Package "%1" on distribution point "%2" has been verified successfully.
2385;Following file(s) of package "%1" on distribution point "%2" are missing. | %3
2387;The hash of the migrated package "%1" is incorrect in the database. Please update the package on the Configuration Manager 2007 site and then migrate the package again.
2388;Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point %1. Or the package list in content library doesn't match the one in WMI. Review smsdpmon.log for more information about this failure.
2389;Failed to copy the package "%1" from "%2" into the content library on the distribution point server "%3".
2390;The migrated packages on the distribution point server "%1" have been successfully copied into the content library on the server.
2391;Distribution Manager failed to connect to the distribution point %1. Check your network and firewall settings.
2392;Distribution Manager has not tried to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". You should install and configure IIS manually. Please ensure RDC is also enabled.
2393;Successfully retrieved and validated the package list from the distribution point %1.
2397;Detail will be available after the server finishes processing the messages.
2398;Starting to process content
2399;Successfully completed the installation or upgrade of the distribution point on computer "%1".
3532;Sender encountered errors while sending software distribution package %1 version %2 to site %3, %4 percent of the sending has already completed.
4401;Despooler failed to decompress package "%1" from "%2". | Possible cause: The compressed image "%2" is either missing or corrupt. | Solution: Distribution Manager will attempt to recover the package by requesting a new compressed package image from the site that sent it.
4402;Despooler failed to merge delta to the compressed package "%1". | Possible cause: The destination drive is full. | Solution: Make more space available on that drive. Despooler will attempt to merge the delta again during its next retry interval
8201;The address to distribution point server "%1" is invalid. | Possible cause: The destination distribution point share name is missing. | Solution: Define a valid address in the Configuration Manager Console for this distribution point.
8202;The Package Transfer Manager cannot connect to distribution point server "%1" over the LAN. | Possible cause: Distribution point server "%2" might not be connected to the LAN. | Solution: Verify that distribution point server "%2" is connected to the LAN and functioning properly. | Possible cause: Share "%3" might not be accessible. | Solution: Verify that share "%3" is visible and that the site server machine account or site system connection account has the necessary permissions to access the share. | Possible cause: Network load might be too high. | Solution: Verify that the network is not saturated. Verify that you can move large amounts of data across the network.
8203;The Package Transfer Manager failed to send files to destination server "%1". Make sure the site server machine account or the site system connection account has full access to directory "%2" on the destination site server and the destination site server has sufficient free disk space.
8204;Package Transfer Manager is currently sending software distribution package %1 to distribution point server %2, %3 percent of the sending has already completed.
8205;Package Transfer Manager encountered errors while sending software distribution package %1 to distribution point server %2, %3 percent of the sending has already completed.
8206;Package Transfer Manager is retrying to distribute package "%1" to distribution point %2. | Wait to see if the package is successfully distributed on the retry.
8208;Package Transfer Manager has failed to verify hash for package "%1", Version %2 on distribution point %3. | Please try to distribute the package again to this distribution point server. If this package has been marked for prestaging on the distribution points then make sure the package has been correctly copied to the appropriate package folder on the distribution point server.
8211;Package Transfer Manager failed to update the package "%1", Version %2 on distribution point %3. Review PkgXferMgr.log for more information about this failure. | Possible cause: Site server does not have sufficient rights to the source directory. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account has at least Read access to the directory you specify as the source directory. | Possible cause: There is not enough disk space available on the distribution point. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space available on the distribution point.
8212;Package Transfer Manager failed to update the package "%1", Version %2 on pull distribution point %3. This pull distribution point has no sources from which it can download content. We will try again later. | Possible cause: The content was not distributed to source distribution points. | Solution: Ensure that the content is distributed to at least one of the source distribution points. | Possible cause: The content was distributed to source distribution points, but the source distribution points have not finished downloading the content. | Solution: Check content status to see if this package is in-progress for the source distribution point. | Possible cause: The source distribution point list is empty. | Solution: Check the 'Pull Distribution Point' tab in distribution point properties in the admin console and ensure that the source distribution points are set correctly.
9300;Cloud Content Manager encountered an internal error [%1] Check logs for details.
9301;Cloud Content Manager was unable to encrypt content for the package %1.
9302;Cloud Content Manager was unable to connect to the service %1.
9303;Cloud Content Manager was unable to determine the upload location for the package %1.
9304;Cloud Content Manager was unable to find the content source [%1] for package %2.
9305;Cloud Content Manager was unable to encrypt the file %1.
9306;Cloud Content Manager was unable to access the storage account for %1.
9307;Cloud Content Manager was unable to get content key for content %1.
9308;Cloud Content Manager encountered blank content XML for %1.
9309;Cloud Content Manager was unable to mark the upload status as completed for %1.
9310;Cloud Content Manager encountered an empty download address from content upload for package %1.
9311;Cloud Content Manager was unable to connect to the cloud distribution point service when trying to distribute package %1.
9403;Cloud Services Manager created service %1 in region %2.
9404;Cloud Services Manager created a deployment for service %1 in region %2.
9405;Cloud Services Manager has started provisioning service %1 in region %2.
9406;Cloud Services Manager has configured storage account %1 for service %2.
9407;Cloud Services Manager has uploaded the service package for service %1 to %2.
9408;Service %1 in region %2 is ready for use.
9409;Cloud Services Manager has successfully provisioned service %1 in region %2.
9410;Cloud Services Manager failed to provision service %1 in region %2. Please see cloudmgr.log for more details.
9411;Cloud Services Manager is unable to connect to Windows Azure for subscription Id %1. Please check your proxy configuration.
9412;Cloud Services Manager is starting to uninstall service %1.
9413;Cloud Services Manager has completed the uninstall for service %1.
9414;Cloud Services Manager has failed to uninstall service %1. Please delete the deployment using the Windows Azure portal.
9415;Cloud Services Manager has failed to authenticate for subscription Id %1. Please check that the management certificate is property configured.
9416;Cloud Services Manager has started maintenance for service %1.
9417;Cloud Services Manager has completed maintenance for service %1.
9418;Cloud Services Manager has failed to complete maintenance for service %1.
9419;Cloud Services Manager has requested the deployment to start for service %1.
9420;Cloud Services Manager has started the deployment for service %1.
9421;Cloud Services Manager has failed to start the deployment for service %1. Exception %2.
9422;Cloud Services Manager has requested the deployment to stop for service %1.
9423;Cloud Services Manager has stopped the deployment for service %1.
9424;Cloud Services Manager has failed to stop the deployment for service %1. Exception %2.
9425;The %1 certificate was invalid for cloud service %2. Please check CloudMgr.log for further details.
9426;Service Monitor could not find service %1. Please check the status of the service through the azure portal.
9427;Service Monitor found that the Deployment %1 is in %2 state. Expected state is 'Running'. Please check the status of the deployment through the azure portal.
9428;Service Monitor could not find the Deployment %1. Please check the status of the deployment through the azure portal.
9429;Service Monitor received exception while monitoring service %1. Please check CloudMgr.log for further details. Exception: %2.
9430;Service Monitor found the deployment in running state for service %1.
9431;Storage account was not found for service %1.
9500;PXE is enabled on distribution point %1
9501;PXE is disabled on distribution point %1
9502;Multicast is enabled on distribution point %1
9503;Multicast is disabled on distribution point %1
9506;Package distribution cancelled by user for package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
9507;Pull Distribution Point "%1" started downloading package "%2".
9508;Pull Distribution Point "%1" is currently downloading package "%2". %3 percent download has completed.
9509;Pull Distribution Point "%1" completed downloading package "%2" and is now performing post download actions.
9517;Failed to validate package "%1" on package share on distribution point "%2".
9518;The hash of package "%1" on package share on distribution point "%2", is invalid. Please redistribute it.
30010;User "%1" modified a distribution point on %5 at site "%4 - %6" for a package with package ID %2.
40409;User "%1" cancelled distribution of package "%2" to distribution point "%3".
Now go to part 2 if you want to know how to modify these values
Before explaining how to change these values (part 2 modify / update / delete status) let's explaining how find information
Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point ["Display=\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=XXX"]\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\. Or the package list in content library doesn't match the one in WMI. Review smsdpmon.log for more information about this failure.
ex: Restart might be required
1st thing to do is to find where table must be checked. For that it is necessary to find line "Execute SQL" in SMSProv.log in Primary Server WHEN (and at exactly date/time) in console you click on the COMPUTER distribution point on "\Monitoring\Overview\Distribution Status\Distribution Point Configuration Status"
Execute SQL =select all SMS_DPStatusDetails.DPName,SMS_DPStatusDetails.ID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString1,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString10,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString2,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString3,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString4,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString5,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString6,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString7,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString8,SMS_DPStatusDetails.InsString9,SMS_DPStatusDetails.LastStatusTime,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageCategory,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageFullID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageSeverity,SMS_DPStatusDetails.MessageState,SMS_DPStatusDetails.NALPath,SMS_DPStatusDetails.PackageID,SMS_DPStatusDetails.SiteCode,SMS_DPStatusDetails.StatusMsgID from vSMS_DPStatusDetails AS SMS_DPStatusDetails where SMS_DPStatusDetails.NALPath = N'["Display=\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=XXX"]\\COMPUTERNAME.MYDOM.NET\'
Here we found view is vSMS_DPStatusDetail. We must now find which table is created to do this view- > Use a filter clicking Views / Filter / Filter settings and indicate vSMS_DPStatusDetails as Name. Then Select this table right click on Script View as "CREATE To" / "New Query Editor Window" to display how this View created
that permit you to find this view come using 2 Views: v_DistributionPointMessages AND v_DistributionPointInfo
Your task is now to take each view and down to Table and not view (tables are in CM_XXX database with XXX = your site code in folder tables)
Then verify there is NO dependencies using right click on table then "View Dependencies" (select "objects on which [tablename] depends"
Finally tables/view dependencies for vSMS_DPStatusDetails are:
(1)-> v_DistributionPointInfo
(2)-> v_DistributionPointInfoBase
(3)-> SC_Address
(4)-> .....
(1)-> v_DistributionPointMessages (2) DistributionPointMessages
(2)-> v_ContentDistributionMessages (3)-> ContentDistributionMessages
(3)-> DistributionStatusInfo
I found 2 tables at the end (with no dependencies) which can be table to modify for my problem [ContentDistributionMessages] and [DistributionPointMessages] (others tables not correspond to messages)
But there is a trigger "tr_DistributionStatus_ContentNotification" in [DistributionStatus] to merge ContentDistributionMessages and DistributionPointMessages
Update [DistributionStatus] -> Update [DistributionPointMessages]
Update [DistributionPointMessages] -> NOT Update [DistributionStatus]
to simplify we can say:
[DistributionPointMessages].DistributionStatusID = [DistributionStatus].ID
[DistributionPointMessages].MessageID = [DistributionStatus].LastStatusMsgID
[DistributionPointMessages].LastStatusID = [DistributionStatus].LastStatusID
[DistributionPointMessages].LastStatusTime = [DistributionStatus].LastStatusTime
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr1 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr1
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr2 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr2
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr3 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr3
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr4 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr4
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr5 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr5
[DistributionPointMessages].InsStr6 = [DistributionStatus].InsStr6
and Category from DistributionStatusInfo
Select *
FROM DistributionStatusInfo
MessageID MessageCategory MessageState MessageSeverity MessageType
2300 117 2 1073741824 0
2301 117 2 1073741824 0
2302 117 4 -1073741824 0
2303 121 1 1073741824 0
2305 117 4 -1073741824 0
2306 117 4 -1073741824 0
2307 117 4 -1073741824 0
2312 120 4 -1073741824 0
2313 123 4 -1073741824 0
2314 10 2 1073741824 0
2317 120 2 1073741824 0
2318 120 4 -1073741824 0
2319 20 4 -1073741824 0
2320 20 4 -1073741824 0
2321 20 4 -1073741824 0
2322 23 2 1073741824 0
2323 120 4 -1073741824 0
2324 120 4 -1073741824 0
2326 117 4 -1073741824 0
2327 120 4 -1073741824 0
2328 120 4 -1073741824 0
2329 120 2 1073741824 0
2330 121 1 1073741824 0
2332 123 4 -1073741824 0
2335 1 2 1073741824 0
2337 122 4 -1073741824 0
2342 120 2 1073741824 0
2344 39 4 -1073741824 8
2345 40 4 -1073741824 0
2346 120 4 -1073741824 0
2350 122 2 1073741824 0
2351 122 4 -2147483648 0
2352 122 4 -1073741824 0
2354 115 4 -1073741824 0
2356 120 4 -1073741824 0
2357 120 2 1073741824 0
2358 52 4 -2147483648 0
2359 53 4 -1073741824 0
2360 54 4 -1073741824 0
2361 120 4 -1073741824 0
2362 56 1 1073741824 0
2363 57 1 1073741824 0
2364 65 2 -1073741824 0
2365 66 4 1073741824 0
2366 65 1 1073741824 0
2367 118 1 1073741824 0
2368 75 4 -2147483648 0
2370 73 4 -1073741824 0
2371 77 2 1073741824 0
2372 1 2 1073741824 0
2373 79 1 1073741824 1
2374 80 1 1073741824 2
2375 2 1 1073741824 8
2376 115 2 1073741824 0
2380 115 2 1073741824 0
2381 115 2 1073741824 0
2382 116 4 -1073741824 0
2383 116 4 -2147483648 0
2384 119 1 1073741824 0
2385 116 4 -1073741824 0
2387 115 4 1073741824 0
2388 115 3 -2147483648 4
2389 120 4 -2147483648 0
2390 121 1 1073741824 0
2391 78 4 -1073741824 0
2392 57 1 -2147483648 0
2393 119 1 1073741824 4
2397 13 2 1073741824 0
2398 115 2 1073741824 0
2399 81 1 1073741824 0
3532 64 4 -2147483648 0
4401 20 4 -1073741824 0
4402 38 4 -1073741824 0
8201 70 4 -1073741824 0
8202 70 4 -1073741824 0
8203 70 4 -1073741824 0
8204 76 2 1073741824 0
8205 70 4 -2147483648 0
8206 76 2 1073741824 0
8208 60 4 -1073741824 0
8211 70 4 -1073741824 0
8212 76 2 1073741824 0
9300 13 4 -1073741824 0
9301 13 4 -1073741824 0
9302 13 4 -1073741824 0
9303 13 4 -1073741824 0
9304 13 4 -1073741824 0
9305 13 4 -1073741824 0
9306 13 4 -1073741824 0
9307 82 4 -2147483648 0
9308 82 4 -2147483648 0
9309 82 4 -2147483648 0
9310 82 4 -2147483648 0
9311 13 4 -1073741824 0
9403 91 2 1073741824 4
9404 92 2 1073741824 2
9405 93 2 1073741824 0
9406 94 2 1073741824 4
9407 95 2 1073741824 4
9408 96 1 1073741824 4
9409 97 1 1073741824 0
9410 98 4 -1073741824 0
9411 99 4 -1073741824 0
9412 100 2 1073741824 4
9413 100 1 1073741824 4
9414 99 4 -1073741824 4
9415 99 4 -1073741824 0
9416 100 2 1073741824 8
9417 100 1 1073741824 8
9418 99 4 -1073741824 8
9419 101 2 1073741824 2
9420 106 1 1073741824 2
9421 102 4 -1073741824 2
9422 103 2 1073741824 2
9423 104 1 1073741824 2
9424 105 4 -1073741824 2
9425 108 4 -1073741824 3
9426 109 4 -1073741824 3
9427 110 4 -1073741824 3
9428 111 4 -1073741824 3
9429 112 4 -1073741824 3
9430 113 1 1073741824 3
9431 114 4 -1073741824 3
9500 79 1 1073741824 1
9501 79 1 1073741824 1
9502 80 1 1073741824 2
9503 80 1 1073741824 2
9506 41 4 1073741824 0
9507 125 2 1073741824 0
9508 125 2 1073741824 0
9509 125 2 1073741824 0
9517 116 4 -2147483648 0
9518 116 4 -1073741824 0
30010 72 2 1073741824 0
40409 42 2 1073741824 0
using strings frim sysinternals/Microsoft we can find which .dll called for MessageID
For that use something like that:
strings.exe -s -n 7 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole" > admconsole_strings_recurse.txt
Now in "admconsole_strings_recurse.txt" file you have .dll associated
Ex: for MessageCategory strings in console come from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\AdminUI.UIResources.dll"
(as you can see I did't find all Message Category. I will complete it if I take time to script that part)
[MODIFIED 2019-08-15 BEGIN]
Script to fnd all message in "AdminUI.UIResources.dll"
$resFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\AdminUI.UIResources.dll"
$ResourceAssembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($resFile)
#$arrManifestName = $ResourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames() # Get all resources names
$resourcename = "Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.UIResources._DistributionStatus_.resources"
$resStream = $ResourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream($resourcename)
$ResReader = New-Object System.Resources.ResourceReader($resStream)
here MessageCategory
Name Value
1 Waiting for content
2 IIS was configured successfully on the distribution point
4 Content was successfully refreshed
6 Failed to process content without a source folder
7 The source folder for content does not exist
8 Failed to access the source folder for content
10 Content was removed
13 Failed to distribute content
14 Failed to remove content
18 Refreshing content on distribution point
20 Failed to decompress content
23 Content was successfully decompressed
24 Failed to initialize NAL
25 Failed to access or create the content share
27 Failed to save content status
28 Failed to update content properties
29 Failed to copy content
30 Content was successfully copied
31 Content was distributed to distribution point
34 Sending the compressed content file to the child site
35 Instructed Scheduler and Sender to send content
36 Failed to instruct Scheduler
37 Start to distribute content to distribution point
38 Not enough free disk space
39 Failed to create virtual directory
40 Failed to delete virtual directory
41 Package distribution cancelled by user
42 User initiated a cancel action
44 Send a forwarding request to site
45 Failed to forward content to site
48 Failed to validate content status file
50 Failed to instruct Content Transfer Manager
51 Content transfer manager was instructed to send content to the distribution point
52 Unsupported distribution point features
53 Failed to find an available disk drive on the distribution point
54 Failed to verify disk drive
56 IIS was installed successfully on the distribution point
57 IIS hasn't been installed on distribution point
58 Content evaluation has started
59 An evaluation task is running. Content was added to the queue.
60 Content hash is invalid
61 Failed to validate content hash
62 Content hash has been successfully verified
63 One or more files are missing
64 Sender encountered errors while sending content
65 Restart might be required
66 Failed to install IIS
70 Failed to update package
72 Content is being redistributed to the distribution point
73 Failed to install distribution point
74 Package was successfully imported
75 Failed to import from prestaged content file
76 Content is being distributed to the distribution point
77 Waiting for prestaged content
78 Failed to connect to remote distribution point
79 PXE setting is changed
80 Multicast setting is changed
81 Distribution Point installation\upgrade successfully completed
82 Problem encountered while distributing content
83 Distribution point maintenance mode setting is changed
91 Cloud distribution point service was created
92 Cloud distribution point service was created
93 Cloud distribution point provisioning has started
94 Cloud distribution point storage account configured successfully
95 Cloud services manager has uploaded service package
96 Cloud service is fully configured and ready for use
97 Cloud distribution point provisioning has completed successfully
98 Cloud distribution point provisioning has failed.
99 Cloud distribution point operation failed.
100 Cloud distribution point maintenance operation
101 Cloud distribution point service is starting
102 Cloud distribution point service failed to start
103 Cloud distribution point service is stopping
104 Cloud distribution point service has stopped
105 Cloud distribution point service failed to stop
106 Cloud distribution point service was started
108 Management certificate is invalid
109 Cloud distribution point service not found
110 Cloud distribution point service is not running
111 Cloud distribution point service not found
112 Cloud distribution point monitoring error
113 Cloud distribution point is in running state
114 Cloud storage account was not found
115 Processing content
116 Processing content on distribution point
117 Processing content on site server
118 Successfully processed content
119 Successfully processed content on distribution point
120 Distributing content
121 Successfully distributed content
122 Sending content to destination site
123 Removing content
125 Downloading content from source distribution point
998 Starting to process content
999 Unknown status
[MODIFIED 2019-08-15 END]
1 = "Waiting for content"
2 = "IIS was configured successfully on the distribution point"
13 = "Content was distributed to distribution point"
38 = "Not enough free disk space"
39 = "Failed to create virtual directory"
56 = "IS was installed successfully on the distribution point"
60 = "Content hash is invalid"
65 = "Restart might be required"
70 = "Failed to update package"
72 = "Content is being redistributed to the distribution point"
73 = "Failed to install distribution point"
76 = "Content is being distributed to the distribution point"
78 = "Failed to connect to remote distribution point"
79 = "PXE setting is changed"
80 = "Multicast setting is changed"
81 = "Distribution Point installation\upgrade successfully completed"
96 = "Cloud service is fully configured and ready for use"
97 = "Cloud distribution point provisioning has completed successfully"
100 = "Cloud distribution point maintenance operation"
106 = "Cloud distribution point service was started"
113 = "Cloud distribution point is in running state"
115 = "Processing content"
116 = "Processing content on distribution point"
119 = "Successfully processed content on distribution point"
120 = "Distributing content"
For other Messages we can use 1st an export for .dll using"Enumerate status message strings" which permit to find "MessageId"
Using DistributionPointInfo and information we can find all Distribution Point entries:
2300;Distribution Manager is beginning to process package "%1" (package ID = %2).
2301;Distribution Manager successfully processed package "%1" (package ID = %2).
2302;Distribution Manager failed to process package "%1" (package ID = %2). | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have access to either the package source directory or the distribution point. | Solution: Verify that distribution manager can access the package source directory/distribution point. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system. | Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility. | Possible cause: There is not enough disk space available on the site server computer or the distribution point. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space available on the site server computer and on the distribution point. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files that might be in use by an active process. | Solution: Close any processes that maybe using files in the source directory. If this failure persists, create an alternate copy of the source directory and update the package source to point to it.
2303;Distribution Manager refreshed package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
2305;Distribution Manager failed to process package "%1" without a source directory. | Possible cause: The Source directory is not specified. | Solution: Verify that you have specified the package source directory on the Data Source tab in the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2306;The source directory "%1" for package "%2" does not exist. | Solution: Make sure you have specified a valid package source directory on the Data Source tab in the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. If you specify a local path, it must be a local path on the site server. If you specify a path on a network drive, verify that the path exists and that the path is typed correctly. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2307;Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for package "%2". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to the package source directory. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account has at least Read access to the directory you specify as the package source directory. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system. | Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2312;Distribution Manager failed to update the distribution source for package "%1". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager cannot update the package data in the site database. | Solution: | 1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors. | 2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer. | 3. Verify that SQL Server services are running. | 4. Verify that the site can access the site database. | 5. Verify that the site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. | 6. Verify that there are at least 50 SQL Server user connections, plus 5 for each Configuration Manager Console. | If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs. | Possible cause: Low disk space on the drive containing the package source files. | Solution: Make more space available on that drive. | Possible cause: The package source files are being written to a remote computer that is not accessible. | Solution: Ensure that the remote computer is running and accessible. | Possible cause: The package source files exist, but something else has changed the permissions or attributes of the files or the directory containing them. | Solution: Restore the files' permissions or attributes so that the site can access the files. | Possible cause: The package source files exist, but they are corrupt. | Solution: Delete the files and replace them with backup copies. | If you ignore this problem, ConfigMgr will probably fix it and complete this operation later. If this error occurs repeatedly, refer to your ConfigMgr Documentation or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2313;Distribution Manager failed to remove package "%1" from "%2". | Possible cause: The share type or the share name have been changed since the package was created. | Solution: Verify that the share defined for this package is accessible to Distribution Manager running on the site server and that the name of the share has not been changed. If users are currently accessing the share, disconnect them before making any changes to the share. If the package distribution point is located on a Windows computer, you can force users to disconnect by clicking on the "Disconnect users from distribution points" box in the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2314;Distribution Manager removed package "%1" from "%2" due to changes in the share type or the share name.
2317;Distribution Manager is refreshing package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
2318;Distribution Manager failed to distribute package "%1". | Possible cause: The specified share is a hidden Windows NT drive share or a hidden Windows NT admin share. | Solution: Specify a different share name on the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2319;Distribution Manager failed to decompress package "%1" from "%2". | Possible cause: The compressed image "%2" is either missing or corrupt. | Distribution Manager will attempt to recover the package by requesting a new compressed package image from the site that sent it.
2320;There is not enough free disk space on the site server to decompress package "%1". | Possible cause: At least %2 megabytes of free disk space are required. | Solution: Allocate more free disk space for the site server.
2321;Distribution Manager failed to decompress package "%1" from "%2" to "%3". The file that failed to decompress is "%4". | Possible cause: The drive containing directory "%3" does not have enough free disk space. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space.
2322;Distribution Manager decompressed package "%1" from "%2" to "%3".
2323;Distribution Manager failed to connect to the distribution point. | Possible cause: Distribution Manager cannot access the distribution point machine because of access permissions issues. | Solution: Make sure that the site server machine account or Site System Installation account has administrative permissions on the distribution point machine. | Retry Interval is %1 minutes, number of retries left is %2.
2324;Distribution Manager failed to find or create the defined share or folder (%3) on distribution point "%1" for distributing package "%2". | Possible cause: Windows NT distribution points might not have at least one available NTFS drive. | Solution: Verify that there is at least one NTFS drive with enough free disk space to store the package. Then, verify that the distribution point directory exists, has the proper permissions, and is accessible. | Retry Interval is %4 minutes, number of retries left is %5.
2326;Distribution Manager failed to save package status for package "%1" to the site database. | Possible cause: SQL Server problem. | Solution: | 1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors. | 2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer. | 3. Verify that SQL Server services are running. | 4. Verify that the site server can access the site database. | 5. Verify that the site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. | 6. | If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2327;Distribution Manager failed to update the package properties on distribution points for package "%1". | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space on the site server to update the package. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2328;Distribution Manager failed to copy package "%1" from "%2" to "%3". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to read from the package source directory or to write to the destination directory on the distribution point. | Solution: In the Configuration Manager Console, verify that the Site System Installation accounts have sufficient privileges to the source and destination directories. | Possible cause: The distribution point might not be accessible to Distribution Manager running on the site server. | Solution: If users are currently accessing the package files on the distribution point, disconnect the users first. If the package distribution point is located on a Windows NT computer, you can force users to disconnect by clicking on the "Disconnect users from distribution points" box in the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box. | Possible cause: The distribution point does not have enough free disk space to store the package. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space. | Possible cause: The package source directory contains files with long file names and the total length of the path exceeds the maximum length supported by the operating system. | Solution: Reduce the number of folders defined for the package, shorten the filename, or consider bundling the files using a compression utility. | Retry Interval is %4 minutes, number of retries left is %5.
2329;Distribution Manager copied package "%1" from "%2" to "%3".
2330;Distribution Manager successfully distributed package "%1" to distribution point "%2".
2332;Distribution Manager failed to remove package "%1" from distribution path "%2". | Possible cause: The distribution point might not be accessible to Distribution Manager running on the site server. | Solution: If users are currently accessing the package files on the distribution point, disconnect the users first. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2335;Distribution Manager instructed Scheduler and Sender to send package "%1" to child site "%2".
2337;Distribution Manager failed to instruct Scheduler to send package "%1" to child site "%2". | Solution: Verify that the site server has available memory and that there is enough free disk space to create the instruction file. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2342;Distribution Manager is starting to distribute package "%1" to distribution point "%2".
2344;Failed to create virtual directory on the defined share or volume on distribution point "%1". | Possible cause: Distribution Manager requires that IIS base components be installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server in order to create the virtual directory. Distribution Manager also requires that IIS Web Services be installed on the Distribution Point Server that needs to support Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). | Solution: Verify that IIS base components are installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server, and IIS Web Services are installed on the Distribution Point Server.
2345;Failed to delete virtual directory on the defined share or volume on distribution point "%1". | Possible cause: The IIS base components may not be installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server or IIS Web Services may not be installed on the Distribution Point Server. | Solution: Verify that IIS base components are installed on the local Configuration Manager Site Server, and IIS Web Services are installed on the Distribution Point Server.
2346;Distribution Manager failed to distribute package "%1". | Possible cause: The specified share is a hidden share. | Solution: Specify a different share name on the Data Access tab of the Package Properties dialog box in the Configuration Manager Console. | Retry Interval is %2 minutes, number of retries left is %3.
2350;Distribution Manager instructed Scheduler and Sender to send a forwarding request to site "%2", requesting that site to forward package "%1" to site "%3".
2351;Distribution Manager is unable to forward package "%1" to site(s) "%2" because the local version of the package ("%3") is greater than the version requested ("%4"). | Possible cause: A package update has recently been triggered. The package source site has been recently recovered. | Possible workaround: If the package has been recently updated, verify that sites "%2" receive the package directly from package source site. If package source site has been recently recovered, verify that all recovery steps for this package have been followed.
2352;Distribution Manager is unable to forward package "%1" to site(s) "%2" because the local version of the package ("%3") is lower than the version requested ("%4"). | Possible cause: A package update has recently been triggered. This site "%5" has been recently recovered. | Possible workaround: If the package has been recently updated, verify that sites "%2" receive the package directly from package source site. If this site has been recently recovered, verify that all recovery steps for this package have been followed.
2354;Failed to validate package status file "%1" received from Distribution Point %2 for package %3. | Possible cause: For content prestaging, the remote distribution point package is not enabled for prestaging. The package being prestaged on the remote distribution point is not enabled for prestaging. The source version of the package extracted on the remote prestaged distribution point or distributed to the remote distribution point does not match with the current version of the package on the site server. | Solution: Verify that both the remote distribution point as well as the package is enabled for prestaging. Ensure that the latest version of the package is being extracted/distributed on/to the remote distribution point.
2356;Distribution Manager failed to instruct Package Transfer manager to send package "%1" to distribution point "%2". | Solution: Verify that the site server has available memory and that there is enough free disk space to create the send job. | Retry Interval is %3 minutes, number of retries left is %4.
2357;Distribution Manager instructed Package Transfer manager to send package "%1" to distribution point "%2".
2358;"%1" server ("%2") is a 32-bit system. Multicast or File Streaming are not supported distribution point features on 32-bit system. | These features can not be enabled on this distribution point.
2359;Distribution Manager failed to find a drive on distribution point "%1" on system "%2" which has characteristics appropriate for storing shared folders used by distribution point. | Possible cause: Windows NT distribution points might not have at least one available NTFS drive. | Solution: Verify that there is at least one NTFS drive with enough free disk space to store the packages.
2360;Distribution Manager failed to verify drive specified by user on distribution point "%1" on system "%2". | Possible cause: The distribution point might not have specified volume or the speicified volume is not NTFS drive or it does not have enough free space. | Solution: Verify that selected drive is of NTFS type with enough free disk space to store the packages.
2361;Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory "%1" for content "%2" (content ID = %3). | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to the source directory. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account has at least Read access to the directory you specify as the source directory. | Possible cause: There is not enough disk space available on the site server. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space available on the site server. | Retry Interval is %4 minutes, number of retries left is %5.
2362;Distribution Manager successfully installed IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1".
2363;Distribution Manager has not tried to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1" because its operating system is older than Windows Server 2008. Manual installation of IIS component of operating system to distribution point might be needed. Please ensure RDC is also enabled.
2364;Distribution Manager installed IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". Installation process ended with an exit code of %2. Reboot of machine "%1" is needed to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings.
2365;Distribution Manager attempted to run a tool to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". The tool returned non-zero error code %2. Reboot or manual installation of IIS might be required to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings and RDC is enabled.
2366;Distribution Manager attempted to run a tool to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". Reboot or manual installation of IIS might be required to complete the configuration of IIS component of operating system. Also please ensure that the http(s) traffic is not blocked on this machine by firewall settings.
2367;Package "%1" content was successfully imported from a prestaged content file to distribution points on site server "%2" (%3).
2368;An error occurred during the import of content from a prestaged content file to distribution points on site server "%1" (%2).
2370;Distribution Manager failed to install distribution point %1 on computer %2. | Possible cause: Distribution Manager does not have sufficient rights to the computer. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account is an administrator on the distribution point computer.
2371;Distribution Manager is waiting for package %1 content to be prestaged on the distribution point %2. You must manually prestage the package %1 on the distribution point before the content will be available.
2372;The content files for package %1 have not yet arrived from the source site %2. Distribution Manager will try again later to distribute the content.
2373;PXE is %1 on distribution point %2
2374;Multicast is %1 on distribution point %2
2375;Created virtual directories on the defined share or volume on distribution point "%1" successfully.
2376;Distribution Manager created a snapshot for content %1 successfully.
2380;Start to evaluate package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
2381;An evaluation task is running. Put package "%1" to wait queue on distribution point "%2".
2382;The hash of package "%1" is invalid on distribution point "%2". Please redistribute the package.
2383;Failed to validate package "%1" on distribution point "%2". The package may not be present or may be corrupt. Please redistribute it.
2384;Package "%1" on distribution point "%2" has been verified successfully.
2385;Following file(s) of package "%1" on distribution point "%2" are missing. | %3
2387;The hash of the migrated package "%1" is incorrect in the database. Please update the package on the Configuration Manager 2007 site and then migrate the package again.
2388;Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point %1. Or the package list in content library doesn't match the one in WMI. Review smsdpmon.log for more information about this failure.
2389;Failed to copy the package "%1" from "%2" into the content library on the distribution point server "%3".
2390;The migrated packages on the distribution point server "%1" have been successfully copied into the content library on the server.
2391;Distribution Manager failed to connect to the distribution point %1. Check your network and firewall settings.
2392;Distribution Manager has not tried to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". You should install and configure IIS manually. Please ensure RDC is also enabled.
2393;Successfully retrieved and validated the package list from the distribution point %1.
2397;Detail will be available after the server finishes processing the messages.
2398;Starting to process content
2399;Successfully completed the installation or upgrade of the distribution point on computer "%1".
3532;Sender encountered errors while sending software distribution package %1 version %2 to site %3, %4 percent of the sending has already completed.
4401;Despooler failed to decompress package "%1" from "%2". | Possible cause: The compressed image "%2" is either missing or corrupt. | Solution: Distribution Manager will attempt to recover the package by requesting a new compressed package image from the site that sent it.
4402;Despooler failed to merge delta to the compressed package "%1". | Possible cause: The destination drive is full. | Solution: Make more space available on that drive. Despooler will attempt to merge the delta again during its next retry interval
8201;The address to distribution point server "%1" is invalid. | Possible cause: The destination distribution point share name is missing. | Solution: Define a valid address in the Configuration Manager Console for this distribution point.
8202;The Package Transfer Manager cannot connect to distribution point server "%1" over the LAN. | Possible cause: Distribution point server "%2" might not be connected to the LAN. | Solution: Verify that distribution point server "%2" is connected to the LAN and functioning properly. | Possible cause: Share "%3" might not be accessible. | Solution: Verify that share "%3" is visible and that the site server machine account or site system connection account has the necessary permissions to access the share. | Possible cause: Network load might be too high. | Solution: Verify that the network is not saturated. Verify that you can move large amounts of data across the network.
8203;The Package Transfer Manager failed to send files to destination server "%1". Make sure the site server machine account or the site system connection account has full access to directory "%2" on the destination site server and the destination site server has sufficient free disk space.
8204;Package Transfer Manager is currently sending software distribution package %1 to distribution point server %2, %3 percent of the sending has already completed.
8205;Package Transfer Manager encountered errors while sending software distribution package %1 to distribution point server %2, %3 percent of the sending has already completed.
8206;Package Transfer Manager is retrying to distribute package "%1" to distribution point %2. | Wait to see if the package is successfully distributed on the retry.
8208;Package Transfer Manager has failed to verify hash for package "%1", Version %2 on distribution point %3. | Please try to distribute the package again to this distribution point server. If this package has been marked for prestaging on the distribution points then make sure the package has been correctly copied to the appropriate package folder on the distribution point server.
8211;Package Transfer Manager failed to update the package "%1", Version %2 on distribution point %3. Review PkgXferMgr.log for more information about this failure. | Possible cause: Site server does not have sufficient rights to the source directory. | Solution: Verify that the site server computer account has at least Read access to the directory you specify as the source directory. | Possible cause: There is not enough disk space available on the distribution point. | Solution: Verify that there is enough free disk space available on the distribution point.
8212;Package Transfer Manager failed to update the package "%1", Version %2 on pull distribution point %3. This pull distribution point has no sources from which it can download content. We will try again later. | Possible cause: The content was not distributed to source distribution points. | Solution: Ensure that the content is distributed to at least one of the source distribution points. | Possible cause: The content was distributed to source distribution points, but the source distribution points have not finished downloading the content. | Solution: Check content status to see if this package is in-progress for the source distribution point. | Possible cause: The source distribution point list is empty. | Solution: Check the 'Pull Distribution Point' tab in distribution point properties in the admin console and ensure that the source distribution points are set correctly.
9300;Cloud Content Manager encountered an internal error [%1] Check logs for details.
9301;Cloud Content Manager was unable to encrypt content for the package %1.
9302;Cloud Content Manager was unable to connect to the service %1.
9303;Cloud Content Manager was unable to determine the upload location for the package %1.
9304;Cloud Content Manager was unable to find the content source [%1] for package %2.
9305;Cloud Content Manager was unable to encrypt the file %1.
9306;Cloud Content Manager was unable to access the storage account for %1.
9307;Cloud Content Manager was unable to get content key for content %1.
9308;Cloud Content Manager encountered blank content XML for %1.
9309;Cloud Content Manager was unable to mark the upload status as completed for %1.
9310;Cloud Content Manager encountered an empty download address from content upload for package %1.
9311;Cloud Content Manager was unable to connect to the cloud distribution point service when trying to distribute package %1.
9403;Cloud Services Manager created service %1 in region %2.
9404;Cloud Services Manager created a deployment for service %1 in region %2.
9405;Cloud Services Manager has started provisioning service %1 in region %2.
9406;Cloud Services Manager has configured storage account %1 for service %2.
9407;Cloud Services Manager has uploaded the service package for service %1 to %2.
9408;Service %1 in region %2 is ready for use.
9409;Cloud Services Manager has successfully provisioned service %1 in region %2.
9410;Cloud Services Manager failed to provision service %1 in region %2. Please see cloudmgr.log for more details.
9411;Cloud Services Manager is unable to connect to Windows Azure for subscription Id %1. Please check your proxy configuration.
9412;Cloud Services Manager is starting to uninstall service %1.
9413;Cloud Services Manager has completed the uninstall for service %1.
9414;Cloud Services Manager has failed to uninstall service %1. Please delete the deployment using the Windows Azure portal.
9415;Cloud Services Manager has failed to authenticate for subscription Id %1. Please check that the management certificate is property configured.
9416;Cloud Services Manager has started maintenance for service %1.
9417;Cloud Services Manager has completed maintenance for service %1.
9418;Cloud Services Manager has failed to complete maintenance for service %1.
9419;Cloud Services Manager has requested the deployment to start for service %1.
9420;Cloud Services Manager has started the deployment for service %1.
9421;Cloud Services Manager has failed to start the deployment for service %1. Exception %2.
9422;Cloud Services Manager has requested the deployment to stop for service %1.
9423;Cloud Services Manager has stopped the deployment for service %1.
9424;Cloud Services Manager has failed to stop the deployment for service %1. Exception %2.
9425;The %1 certificate was invalid for cloud service %2. Please check CloudMgr.log for further details.
9426;Service Monitor could not find service %1. Please check the status of the service through the azure portal.
9427;Service Monitor found that the Deployment %1 is in %2 state. Expected state is 'Running'. Please check the status of the deployment through the azure portal.
9428;Service Monitor could not find the Deployment %1. Please check the status of the deployment through the azure portal.
9429;Service Monitor received exception while monitoring service %1. Please check CloudMgr.log for further details. Exception: %2.
9430;Service Monitor found the deployment in running state for service %1.
9431;Storage account was not found for service %1.
9500;PXE is enabled on distribution point %1
9501;PXE is disabled on distribution point %1
9502;Multicast is enabled on distribution point %1
9503;Multicast is disabled on distribution point %1
9506;Package distribution cancelled by user for package "%1" on distribution point "%2".
9507;Pull Distribution Point "%1" started downloading package "%2".
9508;Pull Distribution Point "%1" is currently downloading package "%2". %3 percent download has completed.
9509;Pull Distribution Point "%1" completed downloading package "%2" and is now performing post download actions.
9517;Failed to validate package "%1" on package share on distribution point "%2".
9518;The hash of package "%1" on package share on distribution point "%2", is invalid. Please redistribute it.
30010;User "%1" modified a distribution point on %5 at site "%4 - %6" for a package with package ID %2.
40409;User "%1" cancelled distribution of package "%2" to distribution point "%3".
Now go to part 2 if you want to know how to modify these values
Configuration Manager,
Distribution Point,
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