Below a script permitting to add Package to Distribution Point/Pull DP
Option -ForceToDeletePackageBeforeIfExist delete 1st and add when there is a problem
Example :
.\SCCM_AddPackageToDP.ps1 -DistPoint "SERVER01" -Package "ABC00123"
Example if you want to use a .csv file like this below
.\SCCM_AddPackageToDP.ps1 -ImportFilePath .\mydp.csv
Add Package to Distribution Point
SCCM_AddPackageToDP.ps1 -DistPoint "SERVER01" -Package "ABC00123"
# For Time checking
$MeasureCommandBegin = Get-Date
$strCurDir = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$strScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$date_for_file = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss"
#Import the Module
Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace("\bin\i386","\bin\configurationmanager.psd1")
# to do BEFORE cd ABC: sitecode
[ARRAY]$arrItems = @()
if ($ImportFilePath -ne "") {
If ( (Test-Path -Path "$ImportFilePath") -eq $False ) {
Write-host -ForegroundColor Red "file '$($ImportFilePath)' NOT exist. Please indicate real file path."
cd $strCurDir
Write-Host "Get '$($ImportFilePath)' content"
$arrItems = Import-Csv $ImportFilePath -Delimiter ';' #Import CSV into array
Write-Host "Number of line: $($arrItems.Count)"
if ($arrItems.Count -eq 0) {
Write-host "file '$($ImportFilePath)' NO line. Please check It. Must have this header:" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-host "DistributionPoint;PackageId" -ForegroundColor Red
cd $strCurDir
if ($PrimarySiteCode) {
Set-Location "$($PrimarySiteCode):\"
} else {
$CMSITE = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider CMSITE # multiple not work
if ($CMSITE.GetType().Name -eq "Object[]") {
$sitecodes = ""
$CMSITE | ForEach-Object { $sitecodes = $_.Name + " " + $sitecodes }
Write-Host "Please indicate Which Site Code to use in parameter 'PrimarySiteCode'. Choose using one of them: $sitecodes"
} else {
Set-Location "$($CMSITE.Name):\"
if ($Error) {
Write-Host "if not found can be necessary to do a 'Remove-Module ConfigurationManager' "
cd $strCurDir
if ($ImportFilePath -eq "") {
if ($DistPoint -eq "" -or $Package -eq "") {
Write-Host "You need at least Parameter 1 -DistPoint for 'Distribution Point' and -Package for package(s)"
Write-Host "either -DistPoint for 'Distribution Point' and -Package for package(s)"
Write-Host "either -ImportFilePath for path with all DistributionPoint;PackageId lines"
cd $strCurDir
$Query = "Select NALPath,Name From SMS_DistributionPointInfo Where ServerName Like '%$DistPoint%'"
[Array] $arrDistributionPoint = @()
$arrDistributionPoint = @(Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$PrimarySiteCode" -Query $Query -ComputerName $CM)
if($arrDistributionPoint.Count -ne 1) {
Foreach($DP in $arrDistributionPoint) {
Write-host $DP.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-host "Found $($arrDistributionPoint.Count) matching Distribution Points. Please redefine query." -ForegroundColor Red
cd $strCurDir
$ServerNalPath = $arrDistributionPoint.NALPath -replace "([\[])",'[$1]' -replace "(\\)",'\$1'
$DPname = $arrDistributionPoint.Name
Write-Host "Distribution Point: $ServerNalPath"
Foreach ($pkg in $Package) {
$item = New-Object –TypeNamePSObject
$item | Add-Member –MemberTypeNoteProperty –Name DistributionPoint –Value $DPname
$item | Add-Member –MemberTypeNoteProperty –Name PackageId –Value $pkg
$arrItems += $item
# Get all packages
Write-Host "Get all Packages"
[HashTable] $hashPackageType = @{}
$arrSMS_PackageBaseclass = @(Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$PrimarySiteCode" -Class SMS_PackageBaseclass -ComputerName $CM)
Foreach ($SMS_PackageBaseclass in $arrSMS_PackageBaseclass) {
if ($hashPackageType.ContainsKey($SMS_PackageBaseclass.PackageID) ) {
# Should not arrive problem in DB
} else {
$hashPackageType[$($SMS_PackageBaseclass.PackageID)] = $($SMS_PackageBaseclass.PackageType)
[ARRAY] $arrCmdRemoveContent = @()
[ARRAY] $arrCmdAddContent = @()
[HashTable] $hashDPExist = @{}
[HashTable] $hashDPExistingPackages = @{}
$NbItemStay = $($arrItems.Count)
Foreach ($item in $arrItems) {
Write-host "-----------------------"
Write-host "Nb of items remaining: $($NbItemStay)"
$NbItemStay = $NbItemStay -1
$bError = $false
$DistributionPoint = $item.DistributionPoint
if ($DistributionPoint.length -eq 0) {
Write-host "Value SiteServer $($DistributionPoint) NOT exist" -ForegroundColor Red
$bError = $True
} else {
if ( $hashDPExist.ContainsKey($DistributionPoint) ){
# OK already do some actions to verify it exist
} else {
# DNS test
Try {
$result = Resolve-DNSName -Name $DistributionPoint -Type A -ErrorAction Stop
Write-host "SiteServer $($DistributionPoint) DNS OK"
$hashDPExist[$DistributionPoint]= 1
} Catch {
Write-host "Cannot Resolve DNS for $($DistributionPoint) " -ForegroundColor Red
$bError = $True
$Query = "Select NALPath,Name From SMS_DistributionPointInfo Where ServerName Like '%$DistributionPoint%'"
[Array]$arrDistributionPoint = @()
$arrDistributionPoint = @(Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$PrimarySiteCode" -Query $Query -ComputerName $CM)
if($arrDistributionPoint.Count -ne 1) {
Foreach($DP in $arrDistributionPoint) {
Write-host $DP.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-host "Found $($arrDistributionPoint.Count) matching Distribution Points. Please redefine query." -ForegroundColor Red
$bError = $True
$ServerNalPath = $arrDistributionPoint.NALPath -replace "([\[])",'[$1]' -replace "(\\)",'\$1'
$DPname = $arrDistributionPoint.Name
Write-Host "Distribution Point: $ServerNalPath"
$hashDPExist[$DistributionPoint] = $DPname
$Query = "Select PackageID From SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer Where ServerNALPath Like '$ServerNALPath'"
[ARRAY]$arrPackages = @() # to be sure to count to be an array (else string not count work)
$arrPackages = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$PrimarySiteCode" -Query $Query -ComputerName $CM
Foreach ($pkg in $arrPackages) {
$hashline = $DPname + "_" + $pkg.PackageID
$hashDPExistingPackages[$hashline] = 1
$PackageID = $item.PackageID
if ($PackageID.length -eq 0) {
Write-host "Value SiteServer $($DistributionPoint) NOT exist" -ForegroundColor Red
$bError = $True
} else {
if ( ($PackageID.Substring(3,5) -eq "00003") -or ($PackageID.Substring(3,5) -eq "00008") ) {
Write-host "Package $PackageID cannot be redistribute - it is hidden package"
if ( $hashPackageType.ContainsKey($PackageID) ) {
# OK already do some actions to verify it exist
} else {
Write-host -ForegroundColor Red "Package $($PackageID) NOT exist"
$bError = $True
if ($bError) {
Write-host "Error line $($item) - NOT DONE -" -ForegroundColor Red
$DPname = $hashDPExist[$DistributionPoint]
$DPType = $hashPackageType[$PackageID]
Write-Host $DistributionPoint - $DPname - $PackageID - $DPType
if (!$DPname -or !$PackageID) {
Write-Host "Error: DistributionPoint:$($DistributionPoint) - DPname:$($DPname) - PackageID:$($PackageID) - DPType:$($DPType)"
$hashline = $DPname + "_" + $PackageID
if ( ($hashDPExistingPackages.ContainsKey($hashline)) -and (!$ForceToDeletePackageBeforeIfExist) ) {
Write-Host " DP '$DPname' has already $PackageID - NOT Distribute it again - Use -Force to remove and add it"
} else {
$hashDPExistingPackages[$hashline] = 1
$ContDistCmdParam = ""
Switch ($DPType) {
0 {
$DPTypeValue = "Standard Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-PackageID"
3 {
$DPTypeValue = "Driver Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-DriverPackageId"
4 {
$DPTypeValue = "Task Sequence Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-TaskSequenceId"
5 {
$DPTypeValue = "Software Update Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-DeploymentPackageId"
6 {
$DPTypeValue = "Device Setting Package"
7 {
$DPTypeValue = "Virtual App Package"
8 {
$DPTypeValue = "Application Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-ApplicationId"
257 {
$DPTypeValue = "Operating system Image Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-OperatingSystemImageId"
258 {
$DPTypeValue = "Boot Image Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-BootImageId"
259 {
$DPTypeValue = "Operating System Upgrade Package"
$ContDistCmdParam = "-OperatingSystemInstallerId"
260 {
$DPTypeValue = "VHD package"
Write-Host "Distribute '$DPTypeValue' to DP '$DPname'"
} # switch end
if ($ContDistCmdParam) {
if ($ForceToDeletePackageBeforeIfExist) {
Write-Host "Force: Remove $PackageID '$DPTypeValue' from DP '$DPname'"
$cmd = "Remove-CMContentDistribution $ContDistCmdParam $PackageID -DistributionPointName $DPname -Force"
$arrCmdRemoveContent += $cmd
#Invoke-Expression $cmd
#Write-Host "Wait 15 sec"
#Start-Sleep -s 15
Write-Host "Distribute $PackageID '$DPTypeValue' to DP '$DPname'"
$cmd = "Start-CMContentDistribution $ContDistCmdParam $PackageID -DistributionPointName $DPname"
$arrCmdAddContent += $cmd
#Invoke-Expression $cmd
} else {
Write-Host "NOT Distribute $PackageID '$DPTypeValue' to DP '$DPname'"
Foreach ($cmd in $arrCmdRemoveContent) {
Write-Host $cmd
Invoke-Expression $cmd
Write-Host "Wait 15 sec"
Start-Sleep -s 15
Foreach ($cmd in $arrCmdAddContent) {
Write-Host $cmd
Invoke-Expression $cmd
cd $strCurDir
$MeasureCommandEnd = Get-Date
$MeasureCommandTime = $MeasureCommandEnd - $MeasureCommandBegin
Write-host "Script Executing in $($MeasureCommandTime.Day) day(s) $($MeasureCommandTime.Hour) hour(s) $($MeasureCommandTime.Minutes) minute(s) $($MeasureCommandTime.Seconds) second(s) "
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